morning routine rooted in the five elements of life

5 Morning Practices Rooted in the Five Elements of Life

Do you want to set yourself up for the perfect day?

What would that look like for you?

It could be that your day moves effortlessly along. You get everything done on your “to do” list because you have boundless energy to flow through your day with ease and grace.

The perfect day begins with a great morning. In fact, there are 5 morning practices rooted in the five elements of life that can create a great morning. They are a solid foundation for your day to flow effortlessly.

According to Ayurveda, the ancient mind-body science from India, when you’re in the flow of life, you’re in alignment with the five elements of nature: water, fire, air, earth and space.

These five elements, called the mahabhutas in Sanskrit, the ancient language from the Indian sub-continent, are within us and the world all around us. It’s the same cosmic intelligence that flows in nature in the form of changing seasons, alignment of the stars and planets and patterns of wildlife and the great outdoors.

We are interconnected to universal energy through the mahabhutas. When we are in balance with them, we are in synch at all levels: mind, body and spirit.

Each morning is an opportunity to set up your day to flow in alignment with these universal mahabhutas.

I know, morning time is precious. But these five practices really don’t take a lot of time. You can do them all in as little as 15 minutes!


Start the day by having a glass of room-temperature water. You could add a little lemon or ginger to it to wake up your body. You also want to replenish any lost fluids overnight as a result of sweating and respiration. Having a glass of water upon waking rehydrates and kickstarts your body for a new day.


Shortly after waking up and having that glass of water, get outside and soak in some sunshine. Even if it’s early in the morning when there isn’t much sunlight or in the cooler seasons, you’ll still benefit from getting some sunlight even if it’s weak. When the fiery energy of the sun hits your body, it makes vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin which boosts your mood, energy level and hormones too.


While you’re outside walking, you have an opportunity to ground yourself by connecting to the earth. Take a break and find a rock to sit on, or some grass and remove your shoes and socks. Let your feet connect directly to the earth for a few minutes. You could also go hug a tree (yes, don’t worry about who’s looking at you LOL), putter in your garden, walk barefoot on a beach, dip your toes in the ocean or anything else that connects your physical body to Mother Earth.


As you’re walking, breathe in fresh air. Notice how fresh air enters your nostrils and how it travels down into your lungs and body, and then notice how it leaves your body too. Take a few deep breaths and notice how each breath wakes up your mind and body. You could also try breathing techniques like box breathing, oceanic breathing and others which are great for destroying brain fog and bringing about mental clarity.


A clean space sets us up for a great day. It could mean making your bed meticulously as soon as you get up in the morning, and keeping your bedroom clean. It could also mean keeping your workspace clutter-free. When your surroundings are neat, tidy and orderly, your mind is less overwhelmed. It’s put to ease. You’re giving yourself space for your day to unfold in boundless, expansive ways.

So, there you have it: 5 morning practices rooted in the five elements of life.

Give yourself an awesome morning today and just go with the flow of nature’s five elements every day if you can.

Want to learn more about grounding? Check out the resources section of my website here, and my workshop offerings here. I’ll be adding grounding products that I recommend to my website very soon – be sure to check it out over the next few days.

Have a peaceful day. Namaste!